Did you know that it has been forty years since the first moonlanding in 1969! Much has changed since then and some things have stayed the same. It’s worth reflecting on.
For example:
- What sort of educational technology was in place in schools then? How far have we come?
- What content was taught and how was this delivered?
Watch the video of the moonlanding ... and think about:
- What could have happened if NASA forgto the parachute?
- What were the challenges for the astronauts?
- What opportunities were provide for us by the space program?
In looking back, it’s quite incredible this was possible in 1969 - space technology was a sharp focus for many years but not so much now - we are much more focused on global issues of climate change and economic crisis.
Times have changed – how are these social changes reflected in education?
What is the role of digital interactive technologies in promoting student learning, particularly in relation to learning with laptops?
Ladies and gentleman - this is our moon shot - let's not screw it up!